ABC Browser Circus

this is a random, very small text. no one would care to read it, but you <3

protoype: parasite (project B)

For next week, protoype your idea for Project B. This prototype comprises text and visuals. If you are working in a team, a shared prototype is sufficient.


Project B, a browser extension, interacts with existing pages on the web. Take a screenshot of one such pages and position it centrally on a blank background. On it and around it, add drawings and descriptions to communicate how your Browser Extension will act upon the content. You can decide to do this digitally (e.g. using Photoshop to add your remarks) or on a print-out of the screenshot.*


Write a brief description of your project (minimum 300 words). Cover the following points

  • what does it do?

  • walk us through its doing using an example. (i.e. 'when visiting, for example, this extension will...')

  • what are themes your idea deals with?

    • your project might aim to make a comment, remix or critique on existing webpages, or their content. Describe the message your projects communicates and/or what experience it aims to create.

Submit to Class Wiki & Bring to class:

Please scan your work, add it to your repo alongide the text, and push a link to the Class Wiki. Bring the visual part of your prototype to the next class, too.

*optionally, you may also use the below blank templates if they serve better to communicate your idea: