ABC Browser Circus

this is a random, very small text. no one would care to read it, but you <3

(Short) Readings about: Online Intimacy

Reading 1: The Context of the Digital: A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships by Gene McHugh. (NYU access)

Reading 2: In the Name of Love: Arguments for a Slow Internet by Claire L. Evans. (NYU access)

How do relationships*, intimacy, and interpersonal connections exist online?

Think of gestures, behaviours, norms, etiquettes, interactions that replace equivalents in the "real world" or ones that emerged and exist uniquely online.

Read both readings, take notes and write a short response (300-500). If available, add further associations that come to your mind while reading/thinking.

*you may discuss ANY kind of relationship (not just romantic).

1) Complete your writing in a markdown file (.md) inside your repository.

2) When done, push your work to your GitHub account and submit a link at our class Wiki.